State-by-State Analysis of Average Physical Therapist Salaries

Physical therapists play a vital role in helping individuals recover from injuries, surgeries, and other physical ailments. This profession requires extensive education, dedication, and expertise. As with any profession, physical therapist salaries can vary significantly from one state to another. In this article, we will explore a state-by-state analysis of average physical therapist salaries in the United Kingdom.

The Average Physical Therapist Salary in England

In England, physical therapists are in high demand, and their salaries reflect this. On average, physical therapists in England earn around £40,000 per year. However, this figure can vary depending on several factors, including years of experience, specialization, and the location of employment.

Physical therapists working in cities such as London and Manchester tend to earn higher salaries due to the higher cost of living in these areas. In London, for example, physical therapists can expect to earn an average salary of £45,000 per year, whereas in Manchester, the average salary is slightly lower at around £42,000.

The Average Physical Therapist Salary in Scotland

In Scotland, physical therapist salaries are relatively consistent across the country. On average, physical therapists in Scotland earn around £37,000 per year. This figure can vary slightly depending on factors such as experience and specialization.

Physical therapists working in major cities like Edinburgh and Glasgow may earn slightly higher salaries compared to their counterparts in rural areas. In Edinburgh, the average physical therapist salary is around £39,000 per year, while in Glasgow, it is around £38,000 per year.

The Average Physical Therapist Salary in Wales

Wales offers promising opportunities for physical therapists, with average salaries ranging from £35,000 to £39,000 per year. As with other regions, salaries can vary depending on factors such as experience and location within the country.

Physical therapists working in cities like Cardiff and Swansea may earn slightly higher salaries compared to those working in rural areas. In Cardiff, the average physical therapist salary is around £37,000 per year, while in Swansea, it is approximately £36,000 per year.

The Average Physical Therapist Salary in Northern Ireland

In Northern Ireland, physical therapist salaries are competitive, although slightly lower than in other regions of the UK. On average, physical therapists in Northern Ireland earn around £34,000 per year.

Physical therapists working in major cities like Belfast may earn slightly higher salaries compared to those working in smaller towns or rural areas. In Belfast, the average physical therapist salary is around £36,000 per year.

Factors Affecting Physical Therapist Salaries

Several factors can affect a physical therapist’s salary, regardless of the region. These include:

  • Years of experience: Physical therapists with more experience tend to earn higher salaries.
  • Specialization: Physical therapists specializing in certain areas such as sports therapy or pediatric therapy may demand higher salaries due to their expertise.
  • Location: Salaries can vary significantly depending on the cost of living and demand for physical therapists in a particular area.


Overall, physical therapist salaries in the United Kingdom are competitive and reflect the demand for these healthcare professionals. Salaries vary from region to region, with higher salaries typically observed in major cities where the cost of living is higher. However, it is important to consider factors such as years of experience, specialization, and location when determining a physical therapist’s salary. Regardless of the region, physical therapists play a vital role in the healthcare field and are highly valued for their expertise in helping individuals regain their mobility and quality of life.

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